Configuration of notifications for Telegram bot

With JW Bible Publications it is possible to receive additional information for the requested content through notification messages on Telegram. Follow the instructions in this section to use this feature on your mobile device.


The following steps must be followed to configure notification messages:

  1. Find your own CHAT ID for communication between the skill and the Telegram bot. It is possible to know your CHAT ID directly on Telegram, for example by using some third-party bots (such as Get My ChatID) that displays it.
  2. Once you have your own CHAT ID (eg 12345678), you will need to connect to the Telegram bot connected to the skill called: JW Bible Publications – Alexa Skill. To find the bot more easily, the reference username is: @JWBiblePublicationsBot.
  3. Finally, to configure the use of notifications by the skill, it will be necessary to register in the latter the CHAT ID through the command: Alexa, ask Bible Publications to setting telegram configuration, chat ID 12345678. Attention, you will have to indicate your ID to Alexa CHAT by saying a number at a time (eg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8). If the configuration is successful, the skill will automatically send a welcome message on the Telegram bot channel.


Once configured the connection of the skill with the Telegram bot it will be possible to use the following commands to manage the notification functionality:

  1. ENABLE / DISABLE the notification channel:
    • Alexa, ask Bible Publications to setting telegram (ENABLE / DISABLE) notifications
  2. DISPLAY / DELETE the chat ID (CHAT ID):
    • Alexa, ask Bible Publications to setting telegram (SHOW / CANCEL) chat ID